I felt my body slump in anticipation of the future fatigue as I said "Of course we want it dear. How long do we have to get it?"
The answer came back, that it was to be plowed tonight. So 30 minutes later (that's how long was left on the tomato batch) my Mr and I headed out for corn. Oh did we get it too.
Looking at the pictures now, and knowing how much there was, it is hard to feel the pictures do it justice. To explain, we got through ONE of the totes, and the box. We put away 3lbs in the dehydrator, 24 lbs in the freezer and 24 pints in the canner.
We didn't finish the corn until Sunday evening. If I never see another kernal of corn again, it would be too soon. We ended up giving away the other tote, and the buckets away in bag fulls to the neighbors.
I am slowly putting all the frozen corn through the dehydrator. I did not have the jar space to can it all and neither did I have the desire to spend that kind of time. I had to get cleaned up so I could go back to work the next day.
It is amazing how little time it took to shuck and clean and cut the corn off the cob. We ended up with about 50 lbs of perserved corn. The frozen/dehydrated corn needed to be blanched, but we did that by the 1lb batch in the steamer basket. The corn in the jars did not require blanching.
Post Update:
I have reconstituted the dehydrated corn and eaten it. I am so excited because I always thought it was only good for soups or casseroles; but it's great to eat as a side dish!!! Reconstitute, add butter, salt and pepper then eat just like fresh corn. Amazing!!
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